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Fence Installation – More than Meets the Eye

Building a new fence on your property is a bigger project than many expect and, one that can go downhill fast if you’ve not attempted it before. Many homeowners have lived the nightmare of spending more than a little money buying materials and installing a new fence that looks great initially, but then begins to deteriorate faster than expected – ultimately rotting and in extreme cases, collapsing.

If you have an older wood fence at your home, you’ve may have noticed some areas with wood rot – especially where fence boards have had direct contact with wet soil. The fence board can literally wick water from the ground and funnel it up the entire board. Another cause of fence damage can be wear and tear caused by wild animals. Often squirrels and other animals small animals chew on fences – or they may use the top of a fence as their own expressway to traverse from one structure to another — their sharp claws causing a little more damage each time the fence-top super-highway is traveled. Another issue can arise when sections of a fence were built with boards that have sizable knotholes. Years of rainfall and climbing vines can weaken knotted areas to the point of causing a break – or creating gaping holes that not only look bad, but also diminish the effectiveness of the fence.

The good news? The Envision team has years of expertise when it comes to building quality fences, fences that are built to last – and look – great for years. No matter the type of fence you desire – for front or backyard – the outdoor pros at Envision are ready to make it happen!

Why Install a Fence?

One of the most popular types of fences Envision builds in the Brookside area are privacy fences. Privacy fences protect your property from intruders and are a great way to keep pets from dashing after a passing mailman or kids from wandering out of the backyard and into the street after an errant kickball. With a sturdy fence in place, plantings and landscaping are protected from hungry rabbits and other hungry late night garden intruders.

Fences also make most any yard look more complete and cohesive. They nicely frame-up backyard entertainment areas nicely and, when well-built,  give your home a nice boost if you decide to sell.

Working with Envision on Your Fence Project

When you call Envision, a consultation will be scheduled to understand the scope and scale of the fence project, to determine exactly the type of fence you’re wanting, and what materials make the most sense for your project. Once all the details are discussed and agreed upon, the Envision team will prepare an estimate and schedule for your fence project.

The first step in your fence installation is to prepare the construction area – including removing any old fence that exists. Next, up is a post hole digging machine for the larger vertical supports. Concrete is added to each fence hole to ensure years of sturdiness. The team installs any access points and fence gates in the project plan, including locks if the project specs include them.

Next up are the horizontal supports between each vertical post. The final step is adding the many, many vertical fence boards to the framework. Depending on the size and scope of the project (and without significant weather delays), the Envision team can typically complete a professional fence installation in less than a week. Once the project is finished, the crew is mindful to clean up any construction debris. After a final walkthrough, the Envision team is off to the next project – but just a phone call away if there are any questions or additional work is needed.

If you are interested in learning more about professional fence installations, then call or contact Envision online today!